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Private Business & Vocational Schools Applications

About IBHE - PBVS Applications

When is a school required to submit an application to the
Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE)?

An entity is required to submit an application to IBHE relative to the PBVS Act of 2012 when seeking to operate in Illinois, offer programs/courses of study in Illinois, add an extension site, change ownership of the institution, relocate the main campus, make changes to a program or the institution, or to be declared exempt from IBHE oversight.

Approved institutions are required to submit an Annual Renewal application yearly, then every fifth year a 5th Year Permit of Approval application is required. Due dates are either April 25th or June 25th of each year. Due dates for the referenced applications can be found in the application system, in the header section. The application and fee must be received on or before the due date to avoid a late fee. Renewal applications and fees received after the due date, but before 30 days have passed, are required to include the late penalty in addition to the application fee. Late penalties are detailed on the application fee schedule. applications and fees will not be accepted after the 30 day grace period. institutions that do not submit the required application and fees by the end of the grace period will no longer be approved to operate and will be referred to administrative hearing for potential revocation of the permit of approval.

For more information about Private Business and Vocational School Applications, check out the PBVS FAQ page.

IBHE – PBVS Division Approved/Exempt Institutions

  1. Register using the email address on file with
    IBHE – PBVS Division.

  2. Complete the required data verification for program(s) and ownership information.

  3. Familiarize relevant staff with the new system.

  4. Questions related to your specific institution can be asked in your institution portal.

  5. If you have system issues, contact:

Click on the button below
to register and log-in:

PBVS Applications System & Database

Vocational trade student 2

Institutions Without IBHE – PBVS Division Approval

Vocational trade student 1

  1. Register

  2. Select the appropriate application to begin
    (Permit of Approval or Exemption Application).

  3. Once the Permit of Approval Application is complete, you will be required to submit a New Program of Study Application for each proposed program.

  4. Questions related to your specific institution can be asked in your institution portal.

  5. If you have system issues, contact:

Click on the button below
to register and log-in:

PBVS Applications System & Database